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Muscle tissue is made up of proteins. Proteins do not accumulate in the body and therefore must be supplied at regular intervals. Athletes may need a higher amount of protein of the standard. Proteins lacostruzione and facilitate recovery of muscle tissue. The protein supplements are particularly useful for those following the Zone diet (caloric...
Muscle tissue is made up of proteins. Proteins do not accumulate in the body and therefore must be supplied at regular intervals. Athletes may need a higher amount of protein of the standard. Proteins lacostruzione and facilitate recovery of muscle tissue. The protein supplements are particularly useful for those following the Zone diet (caloric breakdown 40/30/30) and for those who follow the Atkins diet or ketogenic. In these cases, supplement can facilitate the maintenance of caloric breakdown to be pursued. Tips for Using Protein Supplements: 30 g protein powder prepared with water a day between meals and at least one 'hours before the commitment sports, workouts or competitions. They can also be taken at bedtime, but only those with slow or medium / slow-release (with a preponderance of casein). The protein supplements are suitable even non-sports people, when they want aumentarel 'protein of their diet. In this case you should 's use the meals for breakfast, or if they contain a reduced proportion of protein. Differences between the various proteins proposals: • Milk protein, casein and caseinates: very slowly release the amino acid content, are ideal during the day oprima bedtime. • whey protein, lactalbumin, egg albumin: release the amino acids contained quickly, making them ideal post-workout and every time you want a fast easy to digest.
Ultimate protein-carbohydrate formula, Contains CFM® and Ion Exchange whey Isolates, Maximises nutrient supply to muscle tissue, Increases vascularity and muscle pumps, Boosts energy and performance levels
Prompt delivery of all necessary aminoacids Excellent nutritional values Perfect solubility Low in fat and carbohydrates Easy to digest High content of all important minerals
Supports muscle mass & muscle strength growth, Supports building lean muscle, Protects the muscle mass against its destruction, Helps to recovery & energizing, Perfect timing Amix™ WPE Complex, Contains high quality CFM® Whey protein isolate, Whey protein Concentrate, Beef Hydrolyzate and Hydrolyzed Casein
Contributes to building of high-quality muscle mass, Protects muscle tissue against catabolism, Contains high quality Whey protein Concentrate and CFM Whey protein Isolate, Speeds up recovery, Accelerates muscle growth, Tastes great and contains NO ASPARTAME, Sweetened with SPLENDA® sucralose
Contributes to building of high-quality muscle mass, Protects muscle tissue against catabolism, Contains high quality Whey protein Concentrate and CFM Whey protein Isolate, Speeds up recovery, Accelerates muscle growth, Tastes great and contains NO ASPARTAME, Sweetened with SPLENDA® sucralose
Micellar Casein is milk protein concentrate containing micellar casein and whey
Contains high quality protein concentrate (WPC), Contains multi-enzyme complex DigeZyme®, Supports building of lean muscle tissue, Supports faster recovery after workouts, Protects against muscle catabolism, Sweetened with Splenda®, Completely ASPARTAME FREE!
Prompt delivery of all necessary aminoacids Excellent nutritional...
Ultimate protein-carbohydrate formula, Contains CFM® and Ion Exchange...
Helps Maintain Healthy Joints, Helps Feed Connective Tissues, Stimulates...